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Woolwich one-way traffic management scheme

A statement from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainability and Transport

Last year the Council consulted on proposals for a one-way system in Woolwich to stop people from taking shortcuts through residential roads by making part of Sandy Hill Road one-way from the junction with Crescent Road to the junction with Brookhill Road.

We have been listening to your feedback during the course of the consultation and having considered all of that feedback alongside other information we have collected, the following decision has been made.

The Director of Communities, Environment and Central has taken the decision to proceed with the implementation of the proposals as consulted on, without amendments.

The Director’s decision is subject to call-in (councillors have four days in which to request that a decision is reconsidered) and it will not take effect until the fifth day after publication on 2 February 2022.

The majority of respondents within the area had been supportive of the proposals.

Read the Decision Report

Posted on 28th January 2022

by Cllr Danny Thorpe and Cllr Sarah Merrill