
West and East Greenwich stage 2 - FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Will residents or businesses  the area be exempt from the proposed camera-enforced filters?  

Residents and businesses will not be exempt from the proposed filters which will be monitored by cameras using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). 

All addresses would be accessible by vehicle at all times in every option, however drivers may have to take a different route. This includes deliveries, taxis, emergency vehicles and waste collection vehicles. 

Where camera-enforced (ANPR) filters are proposed, they will allow emergency vehicles, refuse vehicles and taxis (hackney carriages) unrestricted access through the ANPR filters. Blue Badge holders, including children, who live in the restricted area would be eligible to apply for a free permit exempting their vehicle, which would allow them access through the ANPR filters.  

The proposals are designed to reduce traffic through residential areas. This is to help provide safe and attractive sustainable travel options for everyone, and to reduce the negative impacts that traffic can have, such as poor air quality. 

We appreciate that changes like this can be difficult, however they are necessary for our health and wellbeing. If we don’t take significant action, we will not meet our ambitious target to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030, as set out in the Council's Carbon Neutral Plan. 

What is a modal filter?  

A modal filter is a traffic management measure that stops or limits vehicles passing through but allows pedestrians, cyclists and exempt vehicles through.  

A modal filter can be designed in many different ways, from a simple row of bollards to more complex designs including seating and planting. It is likely that we will use cameras to enforce modal filters wherever possible, rather than physical closures. This ensures except essential vehicles such as emergency services can pass through the area freely. 

How will traffic management measures be enforced? 

The proposals show how modal filters will be enforced, either with ANPR cameras or physical measures such as bollards. 

A range of other traffic management measures are also proposed, such as one-way and no entry restrictions. We will develop proposals for enforcing these depending on which options are progressed. This may include camera enforcement, like that used on similar existing restrictions.

Will the scheme stop people accessing local shops or services?  

Access to all shops and services will be maintained, but may require drivers to take a different route.  

Walking and cycling is good for local high streets:  

  • People who walk and cycle visit their high streets more often, as journeys can be made without having to think about parking or traffic.  

  • Walking, cycling and public realm improvements help to increase retail sales.  

  • People who walk to the high street tend to visit more shops and stay longer.  

For those who cannot walk or cycle to their local shops, it will still be possible to travel by car.

Will the proposals mean I have to drive a lot further?  

One of the aims of this project is to change the way residents view transport and their travel choices so that more journeys are made by walking, cycling and public transport.  

There will always be car journeys that people need to make. As residents begin to change their transport choices, and choose to drive less, we hope to see an overall reduction in vehicle travel. This will make the area more enjoyable for everyone, and benefit those that need to make an essential car journey. 

Will I receive a response to my comments? 

The first stage of consultation received over 5,000 responses and we hope to get a high number of responses at this stage too. 

It is not possible for us to respond to responses or correspondence individually. All responses will be analysed appropriately and considered as part of the decision-making process.   

We will provide updates here and will update the Frequently Asked Questions page to reflect questions that we receive from residents and local businesses.

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